unfolding in front of us all are paths leading to new destinations and one to the same. the worn path we know is safe. it leads us back to the same warm home, in circles we can go. the others, all around, lead us into the unknown. they tempt us with thoughts of new found riches or exotic places, but are also filled with darkness and require much work to clear. they appear daily, in ideas to start new things, find new love or fulfill a life long passion. but these will require you to get off the path you have known, to abandon your ship.

we want to take both. to dance in between it all. we want to explore all the valleys and peaks and settle back to our warm lives. but life and adventure do not work this way. you must get lost, in order to see the other side you have to wander into the deep, a tepid adventure will not only get you half way to nowhere but will also cause the other part to crack apart. you must jump. anything done must be fully committed.

the day comes to an end and nothing happened. exhausted by just thinking of it all we settle back into our routine. played out inside our head we unfolded the scenario, we had the affair, we opened the shop, we placed it all on red. the chips fell, the climax happened and once again we were disappointed with even the best played out scenario. we convince ourselves that it was always in the idea, the perception of the adventure. we get to the top of the mountain and no longer what the view holds, no matter what the climax was building to, the end is always a disappointment. we forget that the whole point was lost in our reach, that the other path is now grown over and around us are a myriad of other mountain tops. a myriad of other choices to ponder on about. another jungle to make our way out of. for if we made the leap we would awake the next day yearning for the home we left or reaching for another branch just out of reach. such is to be alive, such is to live.