it breaks down. the muscles, the clarity and the momentum. you can feel it, it is in the mechanisms that sped it up to begin with. to make way for the others, the start and stop mechanism happens among us all. constant renewal is necessary to move forward, the roll of the dice does not always come your way. in age, is dissipates further, in youth you barely notice when the dice are handed to you. a fair game…yes. fair to all, unfair to all. given a head start the finish line seem even more elusive, at leat when you start with nothing the 200 dollars you collect when you pass go feels like something. for some, the unfortunate, the baggage is so immense, the pressure so great that the weight of the game is simply not worthy to play. blame the parents, blame society, blame yourself.

friends, freedom, health. these are the only things that bring happiness. stop looking for other signs, turn off the tv and ignore the adverts. such lunacy we are fed. we look around at the well we are stuck in and only see the other frogs. the leaping that happens elsewhere, the famous people of uzbekistan means little to us, much to others. its almost real. the signs and glitter seem so vibrant, the gold so close, the rocks worn our fingers are the signs of illusion truly clouding our perception of what is true wealth. friends, true friends, laughter and promise of comfort are few and far between, if we can count five of them on our fingers we are truly blessed and eternally happy.

the throat becomes soar. the bed, harder to get up from. less and less we head out with the energy we had wasted before. opportunities ignored as we make our way to the shade, simply to take comfort and glance at our computers in our pocket with signs that we are still wanted. pillows and pyjamas take the place of sports cars and suits. teeth falling out, we utter the quotes we still remember while barely able to remember what it was all even about. less and less light, the buzzes and noise of the monitors drowned out the few that come to pay their condolences. away we fade, just as we entered, insignificant and alone and with no objects to count at the end of the elusive game that is life. 

a beautiful sound…to lose yourself too.