the smallest deed is better than the greatest intention.


Its difficult to not want to save a drowning person. If someone falls, it feels natural to want to lean down and pick them up. The adage do unto others as you would have done to yourself is a phrase that seems appropriate to live by. But what if you see that the others will pull you down? Does one still take the risk and swim out to save them. To rush into a burning building when screams are coming from inside? To ignore the plight of the underprivileged, the unlucky and the sick seems selfish and unjust, it wrecks the foundations that were put in place with the values instilled in some. Yes inside, we know that the world is an unjust place, and the fate of others will pull you down if you get too close to them. 

Another anomaly in the world. That helping others can be wrong or that the road to hell is paved in good intentions. As I throw a life preserver to a woman I found mumbling to herself in the cold streets of the city, I worry how she will fit into the life around me. Two weeks in and it is causing waves to form, word back that she is upsetting clients and scaring staff. That I housed her in one of my empty offices is probably a bad decision but what options did I have? I could not have taken her home and renting her an apartment seemed too in cumbersome and long term. I want to somehow teach her to fish, instead of feed her fish, but after some discussions it seems she is too far out there to fit back into society. I will go out and buy her tickets home today and hope she boards the train. I am not sure I have rescued her from the sea, but I have at least tried and the coldest of the weather seems behind us. 

This push and pull of right and wrong seems to be a constant battle in our world and in our minds. Our governments grabble with it, the world wrestles with it, our films court it and we feel it from the simplicity of what to eat to the complexity of who to help. There seems to be this if it is bad at first, it is good later, or if easy now, well the hard is coming factor about it. You want to do good, but its so hard to figure out what that really is. What is right and wrong and who is judging? And what if you help the wrong person? Questions keep piling up with no discernible answers, so is life.