i was bitten the other day. i felt no anger for the one that lashed out at me, as i understand why things bite. tied up and protecting what it knew, fear and angst came at me, a mixture of emotions that the animal itself felt and into the skin it pierced. i have since had a rabbi shot, for who knows what pest might lie in its saliva, what virus might come further after me.

many times you come across those wishing to lash out. those who want to bite. the angry and mean are themselves in a state of fear. hurt people hurt people. for if you are in pain you tend to cause others the same. into a circle it goes. late at night, stuck in a job nobody wants, an angry soul hates me, not me, but what they see in front of them. for we are all simply looking into a mirror whenever we look out. the curious find curiosity, the lovers love and the hurt, hurt.

it was building up the moment in time you cross their path, the yard you crossed or were thrown into, the wave you had hoped to catch or avoid. the family or government that itself was in a state of loss, a state of confusion. even in the best of times we also snap. we bite back at a world that seems to be nipping at our heels. fleas and chains chafing at our skin, we have enough. at the moment someone wander into our homes, into our work or our lives at the wrong time, with the wrong intention, the wrong wind, we pounce. reacting to it all. its nothing personal. its simply where we are in it all.