i am you. in hinduism, there is the idea that everyone you meet in the world is you. that we keep being born and dying and coming back into the world and this circle created multiple versions of ourselves as well as countlesss gods. we are all part of this fabric, that everyone of us is me and therefore you. that when boiled down to it, we all came from the same start, the same bang, and therefore are all part of the same piece, the same star.

in this idea it is best to be kind, be gentle and be understanding of the other side and what they are going through. to give way and let go the same way you would like to flow. that if you follow this idea, that your own day and life will vastly improve. that you will start feeling better about yourself as you are dealing with you. it makes sense as i come across those i like, and those i dont, parts of myself in each and everyone of them. associating more with those similar traits i find in others and feeling a repulse in the same things i am trying to distance myself from. all people, all different but all the same when you tilt your head to the right and look at it from the side.

i step out into the sunshine and try to stay out of others way, as they would stay out of mine, and fold into the day. the wind and light guide me into a directionless dance to encounter myself in the world around me. i come across my nemesis, sitting well dressed in a cafe and raising money for more projects, the white chinese speaking man resembles a version of me. it makes no sense i tell myself, avoiding his attention i go about my way into the mall, staring into the minds of others looking for a version myself so far from reality it sits well with my mind. sits well with my mood. it cannot too closely resemble ourselves, we hate when we see the same version of us. its too close to exposing the game.