its so transient. i look back at it all, at the moments that have faded in memory even if just days ago. the feelings, emotions and objects are but shadows in a constant setting sun. gone is the grief and glory we might have felt, over are the seasons and holidays that felt so important at the time, the objects themselves collected along the way are gathering dust somewhere. over are the pains that still scar today, although those are fading out as well. it is all fading.

Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.

nikola tesla

knowing this, we still strive to make the best of what is in front of us. aware that it is momentary, we choose to do our best as we have to go through that moment. so we put our best foot forward and strive to make a difference and make a mark. as time moves along, you learn from past mistakes, trying to minimize the pitfalls and repeat what went right. it is why we tend to repeat ourselves over and over, in different but the same ways. we look at others and emulate, at history and repeat.

each day past one that we can put behind us. one step closer to an ending. and thank god it ends. if it went on and on we would all eventually give up or give in. we need an ending, to our days and projects, with our relationships and with our stuff. it makes it worth it, like cherishing an object you did not once have, a relationship you never shared and a life you have never lost. the opposite makes the other side count.