with no clear path or obvious tricks i wander to the front, with no idea of where i am i wander to the front.

posting letters to an unknown recipient in hopes of reaching a few, wandering down some new street, looking for something new, always looking for something to view.

i find myself trying out new things, while looking back in hopes of staying the same. pushing a bit further, reaching out into the dark trying to feel my way ahead, towards a finish line i can never reach.


as the summer comes into view a heat wave is sure to arrive. a new water shortage will surely create discussions for solutions such as using the rising ocean levels on land. it seems to be a win-win solution, fix the shortage with an excess. similar to compost for trash, each problem seems to come with an obvious answer. open the boarders to allow immigrants in to do the job the natives reject, a virus attacks the weak links, lottery tickets as a tax on the poor and those who did not excel in school.

in the mirror we all see ourselves. like it or not a visual representation of who and what we are looks back, its mirrored in the cars we drive, the homes we live in and the company we keep. english woman have known this for centuries as they care for their gardens, a representation of who and where they are in society. look at what you put into your body, into your fridges at home, find the disorder in your own bedroom and you will find how things are going all around.

if you can meet with triumph and disaster, and treat these two imposters the same.

raymond kipling, IF