to us, its all important. the music, the genre, people, places, the ones we interact with, the songs you listen to, the smell you remember. it all connects, imaginary lines that seem coincidental on the surface, your love of a certain type keeps appearing, your hobbies and collections are precious and meaningful. at the same time, your feelings, thoughts and input is what the world is, the temperature of the water and air is all that matters. its important or not, scary or safe, it all comes down to you. you are the center, you see the connections, deep inside it is all that matters.

outside of you, there are other centers. but just a round objects surface has no center, neither does the world around you. bad days and good are revolving around you. tragic issues are increasing, it is best to try to have empathy for those, to understand that their center might be having a hard time, might be short changed or suffering in their world. misery and strife are abound, and even though all things seem fine from one side, it is not out there. a flower exist in a field of dying weeds but eventually it too will become wilted.

i am of the belief that it is all falling apart and coming together. the sun keeps rising and setting. money is changing hands, homeless are creating homes elsewhere, a renewal and disintegration are simultaneously fighting for control. it is a good song, this is a familiar face, i like that color, the stars are aligned or its all a mystery. somewhere in between, right at the center, we find ourselves sitting and reading and pondering what if anything it all means. right in the middle of all this noise, all this color all these smells and sounds, for only you they go.