at the end, the point before the long sleep starts, you realize that life consist of the things you paid attention too. your focus, gaze, listening, memory and energy was all spent on the bits that you grabbed and more often than not, that grabbed you. everything else was in the background, blurred and out of focus and out of your mind. the bits that you spent time on, energy on, the bits that you remember was only what you saw, was what you were paying attention too.

its important to grasp this when you shuffle through your day. when you walk through the park or run that errand. the only thing that actually matters in each day, your 156 odd hours you are awake each week, is exactly what you are doing. the hours lost in the internet, checking statuses, arguing with friends s, the book you attempted to read. this is the commodity that everyone is gunning for as you wander through life. its why you are being asked more and more questions at each stage you sign up for anything. your attention is your greatest asset to anyone wishing to control things and sell you services. its for the points offered, the good services, the discounts, its what we trade to them for playing in the game.

its hard to value things we do not know we have lost. we fall for random variables over consistency, we check for updates, news flashes, messages and likes. we need them and they are given, our attention gone one moment after the other. feed us the stories we like, look over here, drink this and go. the machine is built for this, we are tethered for our reactions and interactions with whatever it is that they have. we do it for rewards…for the pieces of food that come out randomly as we peck away at the phone or keyboard late into the night.