shoot for the starts. aim higher, prepare for tomorrow while enjoying today. accept the world you are born into, compete with yourself of yesterday. call your loved ones, help others. move forward and think of now not then. 

packing up our house one more time, it has been happening alot recently as we move from city to city and renovate our old family home. a bit frustrating but it also offers a bit of a feeling of renewal at the same time. you move through the things you have collected in your life, things at one time made you bring them home. you dispose of much of it, the ones you keep you treasure a bit more. like going through your old photos, you stop from time to time to look into one object. you feel lighter after it is all done, packed up and removed from sight. these things we own start to own us if we are not careful.

in hospice we learn that one of the hardest things for people to accept at the end is the fact they have not finished. they have not packed or disposed of certain objects, books half finished and wills half written. apologies left undone, it is these things that were not completed that seem to bother some souls the most. packing helps with this, shedding yourself of the objects in life that only you want. i like to joke that at the end, all we are really left with and leave others with is an estate sale. 
enjoy the fall. those moments that are what life is full of, awkward and unsure, when you drop the ball. enjoy the darkness, the grey-skies, embrace losing your keys, revel in the missed opportunities and the few that might have more. enjoy changing the tire, arguing with the wife and having to get out of bed. the slight headache, the poor mans first-class, the fact that no-one ever notices. celebrate the normal, be happy when things do not completely go sideways. laugh at yourself and not at others. relish the fall.