when faced with the opportunity of work i tend to do as little as possible to secure an outcome. I procrastinate and leave employees with a job even if i wish to fire them. when an instruction manual is handed to me I will jump to the end, skimming over parts i think won’t be of use. i tear open boxes and bags with no thought of reusing them and prefer to let time sort out any personal issues I am having with my wife or friends. i feel every route has a shorter path and spend time working out the quickest way to the end. i have no choice in this matter the same way my employees who are sitting in a job they do not want will not quit. victims of our circumstance and time, we are all playing out a deck of cards that we were handed as we gained what we consider consciousness.

we adapt to circumstances, like a reaction in an experiment. shaped into our surroundings. we take our ideas and mix them with reality in each journey and our day is made up of our feelings and reaction to a world that we navigate. we play parts given to us by our roles in the play we find ourselves in. the cool kid in school, the bookworm, the boss, the abandoned kid or the belittled help. from there we accept our fate or do our best to get out of the way of the box we are pushed into, but even that endeavor is fate.

each decade finds us a new role, new friends and an older body to accompany our journey. the game has changed again, the winners and losers are shuffled in a deck of cards and dealt out till we are not even paying attention to the game at hand. our anxiety and issues are ours alone, to bother us alone and beat us down so there is space for others to rise. a fallen tree in the forest, no matter how great it once stood, is simply matter for the next generation to grow upon.