from space the planet seems to be getting greener, thanks to forrest and trees being planted in China and India in the past two decades. But in other spots, the icebergs melt and the amazon forrest burns. It seems to be coming together and falling apart. No two days are the same. Today all I know is cold and rain, but the sun is shining elsewhere, as the weather shifts in patterns that are hard to grasp for the layman. At best we try to control out diet, thoughts and productivity of our own time and effort. We will eventually get to the weather when and if needed.

we are spinning on fire ball in space. while simultaneously teaching ourselves to speak in new languages, mastering online gaming and experimenting with foods and diets. many of us our having a hard enough time with our own anxiety, trying to get the roof above our head to stop leaking or the neighbors dog to stop barking, how are we to deal with melting ice-caps?

what the caterpillar calls the end the world the butterfly calls a start.

Some word of advice i had recently was teaspoons of help. for example, giving up single use plastic water bottles, or taking less showers. small actions that might contribute to a better place for the ones that follow. although it is hard to fathom what they consider better. perhaps they like the heat, perhaps its a natural graduation and fluctuation to a new time. where the rising seas are met with dry lands and desalinisation is the savior for all. i suspect we wont live long enough to find out.