it starts with an idea. sprung from a problem or an urge to improve an area in life. it then moves into an action. a choice made to change what was previously going on. perhaps it is to be nicer, work harder or stop some sort of vice. in an ideal world it is some form of improvement, some reach you take to improve your life. a habit is trying to form. it will take hold if you repeat the action, this change comes from this repetition.

i have met countless people who state they are a certain way while acting in another. repeating old customs and actions, they expect change to come from time. insanity is partly defined as those trying the same things expecting different results. circular trends downwards, families and fortunes falling apart while one looks backward at a time they imagined as better. nothing will stay the same, progress is coming with or without you, and if you do not push yourself foreward, you will fall behind.

fate is partly tied to a persons future but one can control part of it to create an improvement in their day to day. actions define us, words mean little when not followed by movement. improvements are all more difficult then staying the same. it takes more to change then stay the same in the start, but later on the rewards will appear. from a slow climb, from small steps, you can go far.