
meeting a possible investor in a bit for some further conversations, someone that could possibly help grow the business. it will require effort on my part, and would force me to liquidate a percentage of what i own. a bit of cash would be injected as would more structure. two things that i think can help the company, but will also constrain the way i am currently running it. a trade for something for something else. it will allow me to grow in a more structured way, would put some people behind the effort that would also want it to grow, and would change the current direction i am on. the method of how it will grow, at what speed and under what structure would forever change.

we trade things, day in and day out. we give up something each day, free-time, money, energy for other things over and over again. many times we are not aware of the outcomes of these trade-offs till later. each trade requires some exchange. we would rather play these games, even if we are on the losing side, then not to play them at all. life is a game.

its hard though as the rules constantly change and we keep going round and round the board, collecting the 200$ but not sure really what to do beyond this circle that we create. chasing our own tail, we keep repeating things in different ways expecting different results. the feelings and outcomes vary, but the overall chase seems the same.

my favorite quote of any song is in the video below. can you figure out what two lines it is? i really like all the lyrics to his music. this particular song catches the feeling of being out there, in society.