the glass is half full. best to focus on the good of each. even as we fall apart there are benefits. for instance others rise or we have more time to do the other things we left when it was all coming together. there are conversations going on all over the place, mountains to climb, stones to turn over, there is no one way to go from here to there. the good moments are easy, how to ride the down and smile is the new challenge. note to self: do your best not to look like a sociopath when smiling as it all comes apart.

i imagine from time to time, me pulling a large bag with all my belongings behind me. piles of bricks, toilets, air conditioners, art, books, appliances, couches, a huge stack of objects with me at their helm, dragging them into my cave or wherever i happen to be headed. taking time to keep checking the contents, making sure they are all there, the books and the luggage and the collection of tin toys, the plants and the bedding, all mine till i have to check out. does the stuff own me or i own the stuff i wonder as i look around at my home, my office, think of my bank accounts and safe deposit box, and will anyone want any of this at the end? what was it about, what story will these objects occupy when i no longer am here to watch over them. who will one day own them, where will they end up?

it wont matter. time heals it all, even chernobyl is a grassy refuge for animals now. each day has a bit sun breaking through the clouds, cognitive of the beauty of it all, a simple smile from a stranger can break all the sadness of the day. best to smile back. best to look for the moments of joy and let the rest pass you by, not to linger too long on the objects or the feelings.