we tend to want to surround ourselves with those that make us feel good. ones who support us, listen to our stories, help us in times of struggle and entertain us when we are feeling bored. we want to be around those who are successful, but not too much, those who compliment our loved ones but stop at fawning over them. we want to be around a person who jokes with us, not at us. to feel trust and security, but we do not want them to get too close. like most other things in life, this is also very hard to achieve.

they too have flaws. they disappear from time to time, unreliable and boring while at the same time require work to maintain. they can appear as our enemies, our only competitor or threat to what we would maintain as an otherwise healthy life. the friend and the foe, so far yet so close. it is simply this frogs in the well mentality that makes the whole story line mix like this from time to time. biblical stories such as cain and able speak of this brotherly love that can turn deadly. it is the closest ones that we tend to view with such skeptic vision that creates an uncomfortable mix of emotions and situations that at times bring us to the brink.

an afternoon of laughter, mates for life. with sun shining through the windows, the camaraderie like being with your own family. you have one another’ backs, you protect and push each other up and form alliances that are as real as the beers you drink down together. its not like, its not love, its something stronger. friends for life. brothers from different families. nothing will come between you two, until it does. then it will tear the bonds apart and flip the relationship over, justly or not, the winds change as does our feelings. the bonds, like magnets turned on their side, will push you further apart. thoughts that were once enriched in sincerity and love no longer resonate, left over are all the feelings of the opposite. be aware, observe but realise it is simply part of the whole.

there is no such thing as a one-sided mountain.

-alan watts.