with a turn of the clock, a new year, a new decade arrives. with it new chances, new opportunities and a chance to look anew at the same world you were just in. oh the optimism that creeps into the hearts and minds of those on new years day. the resolutions, the ideas of being fitter, smarter and more upstanding scribbled on forgotten sheets of paper and held onto for a fleeing moment.

glimmers of hope are still glimmers. if you wish to stop, then a brief pause is better then nothing. we first have to resolve that there is a problem, this is the first step. moments create habits and habits define us. wanting to better youself is a basic urge we should all embrace. it is us of yesterday that we are trying to improve. nobody else matters.

within a few days things will be back to normal. the resolutions, like distant memories will fade and our old habits will surface. resting on our laurels comes natural and is fine if that is where you want to be. but if you had made a resolution to start with, then look back, remind yourself of that goal and push to create a habit that will make you a better person then you were last year. strive. the effort and discomfort will show as the you of tomorrow differs from the you of today.