the news seems to blend together. companies going bust, countries fighting over territory…catastrophes without any warning. where is the good news if one does not like to read about sports? perhaps the happiness should be found in the thoughts that none of these things happened to us…a tragedy in and of itself. perhaps i should be getting my news from another source, if i do not see it, then it is not happening.

i prefer to see the news unwraveling in the street. it seems the everyday girl has turned into models. standing on the street corners, posing in front of their meals, a recent phenomenon that was once was in the shadows has now taken on a large presence at least in the asian city i call home. onlookers, time of day, settings, these do not seem to bother them at all. some are working (see below) but others are simply doing it to feed into their social media accounts. its something i think is good for everyday society and my personal favorite is the rapid fire modeling also featured below.

each day we are burdened with either current or future difficulties. pressure mounts as we feel our way forward in the world. if it is not a personal conflict then it is something else, our bodies failing us from time to time, our business suffering. viewed another way, we are all lucky to have survived childbirth. to be able to walk around the earth, consume and contemplate, to be able to fall in love. given a choice i will still check the news feeds, stop when modeling appears in front of me and remember to count myself as one of the blessed.