great photos of a cold northern china and the people trying to survive it. 

to forget the self. try to see that you are simply reacting to thoughts and people, that you are a product of your parents and the society and place that you came from. this idea comes from becoming aware of the space and and reality around you. becoming conscious of what is going on in your mind, with observing the way you react to things. like watching an animal at the zoo, the human species is not much different when you observe them reacting to this and that. we pretend at times that our choices are more processed, confident that the time we make between choices plays a part in the outcomes. but in truth, we are simply slowly going about the same actions. over and over. thoughts go in, thoughts go out.

be who you are and say what you feel, because in the end those that matter dont mind and those that mind dont matter.

theodore seuss geislel


 in a day, it seems rare to find true moments of wisdom and fulfilment. the times that stand out, the meals or the films that capture our attention and leave a lasting mark. when pressed to remember, how many instances in a year can you call significant? in march 2018 to now i would say these moments stood out from others-

1-a sunset that lasted for a few hours up north,  the colour of the sky and the background of the trees was amazing. this was in June of 2018.

2-having our first raging fire in our new house, and not having the authorities come around. this was in January, 2019.

3-Taking my son to try on clothes for his new school, having him put on a sports-coat for the first time. September 2018.

4-Picking up a new sport, squash, the moments of practice where I became better then my first competitor, over the course of November and Feb of this year.

5-completing our move overseas, settling the family for a few more years in China, August of 2018.

each of us consider our life better then it actually is, when I reminisce i do the same. lucky i am to be alive in a peaceful time, with things to do and people to be with. it could all go away, and will eventually. these moments and thought come and then they go.

collection of memories.

in hindsight its all better. never as bad as it seems…