each day battles brew. objectives laid out, land to reclaim, we march forward. with teams to keep together, family bonds and mutual feelings create clusters, pushing towards to a greater tomorrow. we occupy lands, gather goods, strategize and fight real and imaginary enemies. we cross lines, switch sides and attempt to gain ground.

all war is deception.

Sun Tzu

we do what we can to avoid losses. the goalpost keep moving as our objective sometimes becomes fuzzy. new enemies pop up, potholes abound and everyone is after the fruits of your labour. with nothing to take with you, the whole thing can be seen as a wasted effort, but what else is one to do?

if you stop moving then you slip backwards. there is no way to stand still in these times, its either building you up or breaking you down. forgotten wars leave scars on our relationships and on the landscapes we occupied. traces of our efforts everywhere if you know how to look at it. passerbyers with worn torn faces, our own efforts of a quest we never set off to do, a war we never wanted to fight. most of us, content to keep things where they are, never really rage. we keep our head down, follow the troops and refuse to believe there is anything beyond what is right in front of them. a safe mechanism in a an endless battle to nowhere that is raging all around us. fighting for the occupation of our energy, our time and our stuff.

pushing it.