circles keep appearing. with the seasons, the news cycles, the jobs, the arguments, one can see the rings form. they vary in depth and color, but continue in a repetition. along the way cracks form. eventually the cracks form fractures and pieces break off. things that were together come apart. pieces of you, of your circle, fall away. they are no longer part of your story, part of your cycle.

like pain and pleasure, everything is fleeting. with nothing to grasp onto as change shakes things up every couple days or weeks, it is best to simply let go. place an object in one area, treat each person the same, then go about your life. best not to pull too hard, hold too long, they will simply be hurt or get hurt. a gentle orbit is all thats needed for your solar system to comprise of the DNA it was meant to have all along. there is no forcing, no seeking too far, it will happen, the seasons will happen, then it will stop again.

so with the rest of it, all we can do is simply accept it. little else to as friends shuffle in and out, work comes and go as we grow older. we make way for the sun to come, prepare for the winter and hope the world works its way out of the mess it is always in. there is always something coming apart and a bit coming together, those rings are comprised of it. growing from the inside out we leave marks inside to those who wish to look into what we went through.