there is a magic amount of everything and we are all searching for it. a perfect amount of stuff in a house, proportions on a woman, excitement and risk that we all seek. we say we want things one sided, the up without the down, even though we know it is unattainable. we go out each day and search for it, the person to share it with and the amount of time we should share these things. too much or too little and we fall sad. with everything constantly changing this balance is hard to attain, and so most of us simply give up and fall into whatever unbalance we call our lives and bodies, we accept that things are the way they are. we accept the proportions that are not what we want but become what we get.

things are how they are, fate is happening. so we keep looking for balance, in a diet, with a friend, at work, in one place or another and can feel the amount that works for you. but you let it slide, since you are you. becauase you are weak, greedy and human. at a certain point it becomes too much. you pause. when it becomes too little again, its time to go back in. its with family, your health, your work, your friends, your free time, your sleep, it never stops.

the world is happening to us, we are the storm. just as we did not choose the time or place we are born, but dealt with the situation that was given to us, we must do it now. we are not forced but persuaded to go one way, to eat this and not that. at a certain point when you are an adult, all of these choices are left to you. you make them each day, and go to sleep alone to face them. right or wrong, our choice is our balance, and when you lose that balance the offset will resurface elsewhere in your life. it will create a shift, for better or worse. then you will have to make that part balance again, a circular dance that forms the rings in the trees, that fills the time in our days and makes the world around us spin so perfectly in the solar system.