a brief of todays thoughts.


i have collected a myriad of stuff in life and i remind myself i must get rid of before too long. if i pass away, its not nice leaving such a burden onto others. for knowing that one day i will be without a heartbeat or the energy and ability to care for such things it is best to start this process now. spending half our life learning, have unlearning, have collecting the other half giving it away. it is a circle we are forced to embrace. the great equalizer my friend said of death. we all will face it, how to win that race i think. less burden to the ones we leave behind is surely one way.

its also best to not leave too many things undone. if there are things to say, directions to give, its best to also get those out of the way. not so nice to leave others wondering. A well worded will will help clear up. and if you hid anything along the way best to leave a map. then there are the pets, perhaps leave with loved ones, or set free. they need a plan, if not starvation and loneliness is surely an awful way to leave them.

there is a forest in japan called aokigahara known as suicide forest. maybe people venture into the forest alone to take their lives, it reminds me of cats and how, if they can they too will leave home to die alone. away from our loved ones, alone in the woods, to lay down for the long sleep. we get to a point where we know it is time to venture into the forest. we wait for others to leave the room, for the pain to become too much or the when the energy has just about drained. the great equalizer comes. best to leave as few loose ends as possible when it arrives and as little stuff to burden those we have to leave behind.

1 Comment
  1. Atticus Hutchinson

    January 18, 2023 11:00 am

    Yet there are shells still to be found, my friend; homes long ago sacrificed and vacated for us the beauty in them to see, and be sorely thankful for the serendipity.

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