we all want to partake in the game. we also do not want to know how the game will end. and we keep pretending its random, its ending limitless, we keep hoping for another outcome although we play safer and safer. we want to be on the right side of the fence. we want the up without the down. winnings without losings. we want what we know we cannot have.

life is a game, all you have to know is how to play it.


so we make it up. we put on two faces or we say the good with omitting the bad. we start many a games, dropping out of the ones we think we might lose. creating an illusion of luck when certain things come about. it was never random, it was always going to go that way. fate is already set, you were gonna win certain ones and lose the others, the cards were there, the future written.

we fool ourselves then fool others. for if you do not believe in the game you are playing you cannot play. you must first take the pill, drink the kool aid, be taught the rules from the elders, its why we spend so much time in school, in interns, among mentors. we learn their ways, we follow and mock their steps. all so we can stumble into our game. our time to collect coins, to pass go, to build out houses and hotels on our small plots of land. the game of life. until its end. who are the winners…perhaps the ones that lived a meaningful life and enjoyed the games they were given.