seize the day, then let it go.

marty rubin-

he knew better. sitting there in the chair, being lectured by those who had done their homework and were backed by bigger banks, younger guns, insider tracks, the writing was on the wall. but liu failed to believe. he thought that it would go on forever, that as long as he showed up luck would follow. so naive. so stubborn.

he thought of easier pasturers, simpler games but understood that the energy to go to them would also wipe him out. so liu bent his head down and headed home. in its time we all whither. we crack and lose limbs like an old tree. the elements start to affect us more, the winds and rains push against us and further weather our cracked and thinning skin. no matter how grand or strong the old elk tree grew, it falls like all the others.

so liu smiled to himself and kept up the front. what else is there but to push on. for even a broken clock will be right twice a day. and what would he do at home, idle hands are the devlis workshop, so he keeps on playing, cleaning up one more space and one more square meter, bringing to market a chance to place a few more chips in his pocket. to bring home, to spend later in the stores or slots. from one place to another, a hustle and way of life for one in a long span of hustles in a city that never stops moving. as long as there is a game to play we would love to partake, even if the odds are stacked against us.