try to find what you want to do, if you are lucky enough to find this then you have made it half-way. find someone you love from the start, the base will allow you to move through the fights in an easier way, those original feelings of love will guide you back when the skies grey.

realize that the world is difficult, once you understand this you can get on with the things that might make it easier. remember that things are always falling apart, without constant upkeep the house, your health, your friends, they will all crumble.

dont complete things till they are perfect, there is no such thing, get 70-80 percent of the way and move on. save for a rainy day, but dont save it all. if you find something you love, or want to do, then do it. if you look back and want to go there, then go. dont waiver, but dont accept all things you hear the world is full of half-truths and most people are guessing.

do something that scares you at least once a day, it will help you feel alive. if you want to talk to somebody, do not hesitate, chance are they would also love to hear from you. accept your situation, love what you have not what you want. dont do anything if you dont want to do it, trust that gut feeling it will pay off in spades.

everyone is out for themselves. it is a game and we are all dancing for one another, watch and listen to the nuances of the music and you can dance with anyone. everyone needs help. it is a blessing to be able to help others, if only to get out of your head for awhile.

everyone is you. they stand in the center of their world, their woes are real, their happiness is derived just like yours is. they all want the same things that you want. we have a chance to bump into others, this is a gift, do your best to add to their journey, if you are not going to help, step out of the way. they want the same thing as you, they are you.