no man ever steps in the same river twice, for its not the same river and he’s not the same man.


in a day, from sunrise to sunset, a lifetime unfolds. We wake up from sleep, our moment of birth. The light fills our eyes, blurry at first, our minds have yet to start and take it all in. We rise from the comforts of our bed, our womb, where we had settled the night before and stretch our legs, our arms, our backs. Onto the water, where we splash our faces and clean our teeth, wiping away the nights placenta that has formed on us. we then begin to drink and eat, gaining some energy to go about our day ahead.

our days are filled with a spectrum of feelings and events. some study, some work, others play. either way a myriad of events unfold. moments can seem to last forever as pain and pleasure come in and out like our thoughts, like our mornings. some sin while some save, others simply waver about in search of some meaning in it all or are too busy or fussed to stop for a moment to ponder. An accumulation of events will build up for us to decide if it was a win or a loss, we all go about using up the time, just in different capacities.

at the end we access. we have either failed or won, judged in a few inches in the direction for the day that follows. heaven or hell awaits us tomorrow, as it did today, albeit it is also a chance to replay it all, for redemption. most of us will keep falling or rising, life tends to repeat itself, we tend to repeat ourselves, the buddha spoke of this. a purgatory of keeping coming back to repeat our failures, except this is all happening in real time. at night we lay down, fading into and our of consciousness. A repeat of how the morning started, only backwards.