a brief of todays thoughts.


intelligent people tend to have less friends than the average person. the smarter you are, the more selective you become.

nikola tesla

i generally like people. the average person i can dig. and therefore they generally like me. the maid that helps clean my office and the staff i pass in the hallway, we are fine with one another. smiles are traded, accolades and compliments when fitting. i smile at the world and it smiles back. it is generally this simple. for when i find something frustrating, like clarifying a complex legal matter or needing to do long math, those interacting with me also generally get frustrated. it tends to come about together. frustration begets frustration. smiles create smiles. joy to joy, hate to hate.

its mostly reciprocal this world. when you are getting older or smarter and perhaps find more and more disdain for the common man or for the common day, well the universe aligns and those things find distaste for you. the world seems pale, dull on the edges. no longer a young attractive soul, others tend to steer away from you, your body aches and the world moans to you. the difficulty swing both ways, your breath and your mindset are not welcome in a fresh ever changing world. this is not universal, but can be seen as a reminder of where one is when things start to feel unwelcome/uncomfortable in the settings around them. the world is preparing to throw you out of it.

we cannot avoid the unavoidable as much as we can unsee the seen. its why when you feel something for someone, normally the feeling is reciprocal (within reason). your marriage feels happy; you had a nice dinner; the dog does not like you; these feelings you have are resonating from both sides. harmony works this way. its either a disaster or its coming together and for the most part its correct. the storms that brew are real, but only as your are brewing them. lean into and accept the world for what it is, for it is what you are giving it. and you have little choice in this game, but the above are one of its rules and its nice to know the rules if you are planning on trying to break them.

  1. zelma

    December 14, 2022 1:35 pm

    Waiting patiently for you to come home and fuck me! https://bit.ly/3UKFVxa

    • Brent Beisher

      December 17, 2022 11:04 pm

      perhaps you are not real Zelma, but if you are i propose something more subtle for compliments. Or keeping to questions on this forum.

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