it happens…things that we don’t want to happen. our dreams, if fulfilled, ends up a little less bright then we had painted them. the concert is a bit of a let down, the job a bit underwhelming. the storms hit us then veer away, leaving with us a mess to clean up. our homes, constantly in need of upkeep, are like our clothes, constantly fading and falling apart primarily at the seams. 

in our lives, we work on these issues. we plan, prepare and invest the energy to keep the game running. paying our debts, we write back to others and keep up conversations and perceptions to keep the music going. without a real understanding to why, we keep at it. pushing and expanding our limits on the world and the ones around us. we take more then we can possibly eat on our plate and then horde more if we can find another closet to put it into. unknown and unclear, we repeat what we are good at while wishing for things that appear further and further away. with our youth long gone, our future weighs heavily on our soul, its only traits that we know are less mobility and certain mortality. 
at a certain age, you notice that you prefer to be alone then with others. something about time, the task of creating conversation and lack of flexibility that creates a feeling of wanting to be without your friends always around. family and occasional meetings are still enjoyable, but time that you have left is preferred alone. to be less bothered, to make choices on your own and to be care-free creates this phenomenon in many…