finding a moment to step in or away, to fold or keep playing, its all timing. from when to get out of bed, when you have had enough of this or that, to push further or to wait. should you hold off on that phone call? sometimes the chase is better when you are being chased. pushing and pulling is a way of dancing, look too eager and your chances are slim, too aloof will let the others simply pass by you. pausing and starting, jumping and waiting.

execution is something, but timing is everything.

mark secchia-

its a natural reaction to want to get up and move your line if the fish are not biting. but perhaps a bit of patience would have caught the big one. All things are pointing at selling, but perhaps holding on a bit longer will get you more. staying with your wife, husband, job. its hard to see beyond the bend but i think many things would have played out in a similar way. that no matter what path or move made it would have resulted in similar results, but the timing of it all does matter. when to jump?

if you are stuck you can move the furniture around, change the color, the persons, the approach to try and angle the story better. timing is not the only variable that can and should be manipulated. how to time the waves just right, how do we know we will not land on rocks? best not to look back or forward too much, too waver is the worst. it will mess up any timing you might have had in mind and make the jump not so enjoyable. and isnt this part of the timing? when to pounce, when to pause, when to start again. to stop, start.