we have an ability to see ourselves in the future. to glimpse into the front of life and see what we will become. we have this ability since we are cognitive of the things that go on around us. like most things, this is a two-sided gift and problem. on the one hand, it allows us to prepare for things to come, to save and to imagine what we will need as we move towards certain destinations. on the other hand, the ability to see ourselves age, move into situations we will not be comfortable with and accept them is at times a hard thing to come to terms with. becoming more fragile, having things taken away from us and seeing ourselves grow old. 

if we do not remember things is it like a tree falling in a forrest where no one was there to hear it? did it happen? for all the things going on in life, it is worth questioning whether or not the things that happen to others hold any significance. do our feelings matter to anyone other then ourselves? is there a capacity to measure our feelings among strangers? 

do feelings and emotions count as something that can be measured and if so, on what metric? does it all come out balanced? is there an equal amount of good and bad, good and evil in the world? If one man feels sad when he loses his fortune, is the preparation of the man that gained it equal in happiness? too many questions..