as time moves on, and everything we do, feel and see goes away, it is best we do our best. or at the least, do as we want. but be careful with what you want, for with it will bring the sort of things that you did not expect. for everything has two sides, and each thing has a consequence and reaction to the choice you made. there is no one-sided mountain.

Everything is temporary: emotions, thoughts, people and scenery. Do not become attached, just flow.


with each moment i am aware that the problems of yesterday get further and further away from me. the people that i miss, or opportunities of things i wanted, all have gone away and been replaced with something new, something that is not taking its place. as if a new game started, the whistle being blown each day, a new race, a new game, a new winner and loser. although i find that i do not need to participate in each adventure. there are simply too many.

with this knowledge at hand, things seem simpler. not so serious. nothing will matter in the end, nothing is eternal. perhaps these words will find light again, as i might in some other shape and form. perhaps i will never revisit this, or get to think this way again. i keep feeling lost then found again and again. like drifting in an out of sleep. there and not here. over and over again until it all is a mess and then organized then a mess again.