of recent i have been looking back too often. at actions i should have done, things i should have said, people i could have been. such a foolish way to spend ones time. regrets along with jealousy will simply breed bad feelings, make one wallow in self doubt and ruin a perfectly fine day. my most recent is not stopping to smell the roses, rushing by a chance to sit in and take in a view. like missing a party, the feelings of a bad choice were instant, taking hold the moment i made the mistake and eating away at me ever since.

regret is such a short word, yet it stretches on forever.

Ranata Suzuki

there are no mistakes. like waves in the water, clouds in the sky or the stars above there is not one that is better then the other. our minds play these tricks, egged on by a society insistent on creating classes and competitions. hundreds of choices are to be made, there is no room to feel like an opportunity is missed, for one moment somewhere allows for another elsewhere. there is no better or worse, there is simply a continuation of changes. moments made better or worse by our thoughts, change the perspective and you change your mind and then you change the situation.

i know i should not eat so much candy. nor should i joke with the wife too much about other relationships. i should call my friends more often and thank them for being there. appreciate each step i can still take. i have countless things to look forward too, have alot left to leave a changing world. there is no room to compare what could have been. there is little use in what i might have been. the others around me, making advances in economic or social scenarios mean little in my ever changing world or in yours. enjoy the ride. for no one else on the coaster can improve or ruin your own experience. around and around we go, our own carousel of life.