we only have one too placate. ourselves to blame and our own minds to tickle. awakened each morning, our own senses and feelings is all that matters. the likes or dislikes of others fall on deaf ears, seemingly building up a further defense to what was already on our minds. each step taken are only meant to satisfy both you and the people in your lives. those loved ones and family, so important, are extensions of you, best to keep them happy or you will fall. best to keep them entertained or you will be alone- best to keep them fed or they will starve.

i cannot tell you and what other men think of this life; but of my single life, i had as lief not be as live to be. In awe of such a thing as myself.


back to the center. keep that chin up, stop pretending you dont care and no worrying about the things that you have done. tomorrow is gone. never to be clawed back. in front are all the possibilities and pitfalls left, play it well. scare yourself, scare others, make your heart race and dont spend too much time doing what your mind is telling you not to do.

bring in the narcissist, cue the idiot, give in to the illusion you dont know any better, put on that face that you know exactly what your doing. everyone else is faking it .the words are much easier then actions. to type out an idea of self, where we put on our best outfit, say the right things, quotes to be had if only others were listening. how anyone can take this so seriously is besides me. it must be the limited time that makes it feel so important.