note to self. avert your spotlight attention. in your everyday, look a different way. look at what you have, marvel at the fact you can type words, interact with friends. have clothes on your back, refrigerated foods, fly to new places and have legs to walk around on. a time will come when you will not have these luxuries, when they will cease to be and you will cease to be.

keep dancing. there are others who want to join. reach out on the phone, make meetings, build partners and step together. keep it fun. there are always roadblocks but those can be overcome with simple adjustments. dont lets the weather or others get in the way, the world has always been plagued with potholes, an ability to move around them and over then is yours to figure out. its a game, play it like it is.

we have many lives. we get beaten and we get up. the music keeps changing, but it is your own tune that matters most. tell the truth to keep things simple, it will help guide you to what you want. use your time efficiently, if you feel it is being wasted or that you should not be at a certain place on a certain time get up and walk away. keep moving, looking for different shades and holes that the answer is lying in. avert your gaze, look back quicky at the one who is playing this game and marvel at this phenomenon.