work by chen hang feng
traded a piece of gold for it. 

is it ok to yell? to be mean to someone else? if it is for the greater good, pushing your child to study, your employee to behave, a pedestrian from avoiding an accident, i would say yes. we tend to use strong emotions when we care about a person, if we do not care we barely pay attention to them. we yell at the ones we love, i catch myself saying to my staff, my son, should it come about. but it does not feel good, this tough love, and in my mind is much doubt of the stuff that i am yelling at them about. i know no better then them, the frustration from the day could be the reason that causes it too trigger. whenever i come across an angry person, i always feel that person is suffering from some awful thing or day, and that is why he or she is behaving that way. like a lab or golden retrieve always happy and loving, a pit bull or some stray dog, hungry or hurt, not so much.

pain begets pain, joy begets joy. its why the yelling is not fun at all, a necessity perhaps, but no fun at all. like all the work before the vacation, all that preparation, yard work, planning, saving, not so much fun but necessary. its easy to praise, to hire, the scolding and the firing not so much. its so much fun sitting in the sun, drinking cocktails, but eventually you have to go home, and reality sets in when the next morning comes shining in and those rewards you gave yourself cause you pain like candy eats at your teeth. so fair the world is.

moments later it will all go away, all the stuff we have gathered, all the memories and all the moments. we end in an estate sale my friend says. we leave a few things others might hold onto, our drivers license, some photos, a few mementos that are small and meaningful only to those that knew us before. it all passes. the arguments and the hugs, the only thing we might leave on is the memories,  passed onto the ones we loved, the ones we danced with and perhaps the ones we yelled at.