there is a whole world inside us. complex microbes, thirteen in total, live within us and both help boost our immune systems while also causing the diseases that will end us. the brain and the heart are as complex as the solar system we spin around in and just as unexplored. layers of cells and fluids and even electricity surge through them as they run the remainder of our bodies and organs. our minds birth thoughts throughout our day and into sleep and we have little control on their content and their severity. it is amazing we have any control whatsoever.

couple this complexity with a world of sugars and enzymes we consume, flying insects that borough into our skin for its meals and environments of heat and cold that surround us. we live off one another, layers of governments and rules to help guide us through the complex game of life. family structures, both broken and whole keep us occupied while friends and foe try to make their ways into our worlds. we fend some of this off, but left alone we are also in another risk.

we try to find harmony where little is off balance and to not have everything colliding or falling apart. to find a place where the mind no longer mumbles, where we are not cold or hot, the goldilocks in it all. to look up into space and marvel at the glittering stars, to forget about the microbes and worry little about the heart and the brain. to begin to forget it all and let it all get on its way. to find simplicity in all the noise, beauty in all the mess and happiness among such troubles. where nothing is right or wrong, where it all matters but it simply does not, where we can let go and enjoy the ride no matter where it takes us .