its always changing this thing we call time.

change is afoot with this thing we see as life.

bound to it we march on with no choice in the matter. and with this fact, time takes us along for a journey. we cannot get off this ride. it chugs on with or without our participation.

it moves in spurts and boost but it can also be more subtle. taking you a bit in this direction or that. you can observe it, see yourself in it, but what can we do about it?

at best we are given…choices from the few choices at hand. this is as much freewill that we get in the matter. we can choose from this or that, but we cannot choose where this and that come from. a game of yes and no, on and off, the pulse of the universe is real. and so are we.

lost time is never found again.

benjamin franklin

这东西我们称之为时间,它总是在变化。 生命,我们所看到的这个东西,变革正在进行。 我们被它束缚,无奈地继续前行。因为这个事实,时间带我们踏上了旅程。我们无法从这次旅行中下车。它不管我们参与与否,都在继续前进。 它时而快速跳跃,时而缓慢推进,但它也可以更微妙。微微地带你朝这个或那个方向。你可以观察它,看到自己在其中,但我们能做些什么呢? 最多,我们被给予……从手头有限的选择中做出选择。这就是我们在这件事上所能拥有的全部自由意志。我们可以从这个或那个中选择,但我们不能选择这个和那个从哪里来。是非、开关的游戏,宇宙的脉动是真实的。我们也是。

