such sadness and shame where a reality tv star and a misguided once great nation falls so quickly in world standing. our inability to manage our own backyard has us in another mes and again we are losing. so easy are their problems instead of ours. lets attack them, the outsiders. its not our inbreeding, our own inability to control what we say, what we eat, how we act. our own shame is too hard to stomach so we lash out, we attack and we accuse. we assassinate, dropping bombs with no trial, questions or considerations.

we attack, we bomb and then call them terrorist. we jail and proclaim that this is the cost of freedom, we restrict and call them liberties. our blood stained nation and history of hostility has us spending more on defence then healthcare, education and our infastructure. we judge, convict and execute without trials and insist that laws and morals need to be followed. hypocrisy is followed by hostility while we smile and insist that what we have to offer is the only alternative to a lawless world.

freedom follows many paths. in actuality, we all have freedom to think, to dream and then we have to behave in the society we find ourselves in. cultures and nations have different laws and rules that collectively works, and no other nation should have their right to impose theirs on another. most people are simple, a safe place to grow up, a school where their kids can get an education, a roof over their head. do our leaders know that a right to vote is not worth losing their livelihoods or surroundings to obtain, do we even care of consider this when we keep dropping bombs and insisting on our path to wherever? so noisy it is….