figure the future is going to be tough. as age sets in, worries seem to mount and flexibility a bit less so. the health of the body deteriorates, the world seems less welcome, less our own. strange hairs sprout from the ears, spots on the skin, arguments are lost to kids half our age. movie stars and musicians all seem a bit foreign, you start to wear the robes at the higher end hotels you tend to start choosing. in a moment, you have become what you have always teased, told were not cool. your parents. the next step is onto the grandparents.

home is where you hang your hat. it is where you feel most comfortable, where your belongings are safe. when this is not possible, we are lost. a discomfort within that is hard to overcome. drugs are temporary blankets used to dampen the pain. this feeling is common among many people in warring states. it is also common in broken economies. its also here in the developed countries. the world cup has a charity that estimates the homelessness around the world at close to 20 percent of the population. an estimated 1.6 billion people have no home to go to. a hard problem to tackle though. there is no simple way to go about solving the problem, but many people help. soup kitchens, shelters and other stop gaps are put in place, religions tend to do alot on this front. overall religions in modern day are a net positive.

the beauty of having thoughts is that the actions that are required for them to resonate takes so little. also the idea that you do not have to act on them. they jump from here to there, an inner dialogue that seems to come out of nowhere. the thought seem to praise and reprimand me from time to time. either a feather in the cap or a black eye. you can silent it for a bit, watch a show or meditate, but it will always come back. occupying the inner monologue with noise, trying to convince us that the ego is real. in due time it will fail, but it will make noise at us until that point comes.