to make living an art. that is the goal.
-henry miller
notes to self-
it helps to be mindful. to yourself and to others. a pause of your comments and actions, an awareness of the food you intake and your intentions throughout the day. your comments and commitments, messages and mails that might have slipped passed you. compliments to one another, sincere and thought out. create habits of helping, give up the things in life you do not need. you cannot take any of it with you and if it does not bring you joy, then shed it. 
a transition can take place that will put you on another path. requiring a fair bit of discipline, your life can change. joy and sadness still arrive, but an overall feeling of improvement comes along if you choose the right things along the day. exercise, eat well and contemplate what it is all about. the brain is also a muscle, and with meditation and questioning the status quo you will begin to see the world in a different shade. 
you will see the politics of fear by the politicians, promises by the strong man that he and only he can save you. you will see the beaten down souls head to the bars, drowning their aspirations and pain with rotten fruits and grains. you can glimpse the wide-eyed faces of the youth and their hopes and dreams illuminating from their eyes. they stand and wait for a chance that many will never get.
the noise from the disturbed and the fear from the old. each face you look into holds infinite stories and each person you engage in like a book or a neighborhood to be explored. in every direction is I. strung together with land and water, the surface of it all can go in both directions, if it is too much close your eyes and feel it all disappear and a darkness outlined in light will expand forever.