like cooking, life requires multiple ingredients and takes some time to get right. there are recipes to follow, but at the end each individual has their own idea of taste. during the preparation of it look around and smile, its not the end product you are waiting for. taste it from time to time, if there is a flavor you dont like then stop adding it. dont be afraid to throw the whole thing away and try again. experiment, best not to have a bland dish at the end of it all.

presentation is important. think of the way you are plating the whole thing. setting goes a long way and even if you end up with something average, in the right lighting and setting you will get away with it. balance is important, make sure their is substance as well as something to fill you. greens are nice, and get a beverage here and there, it will make it not matter so much, lighten up all the heavy anticipation and anxiety.

find someone to share it with. there is so many choices for company, some are great, some are awful, but alone will be no fun. best to share these things, if you want you can find someone to share it all with, everyday. and remember, manners. and dont be a slob, and leave something for others and most importantly….well none of its that important, its only cooking.