an open mind is hard. we have our opinions on matters, and then we seek things to keep these issues concrete. for example: we walk into a house that we are considering buying, the price or some other problem such as the neighbourhood or the approach does not seems right. we then go on to look for faults, small chips in the paint, one too little bedrooms, old appliances. if we do like the price, the approach and others, we tend to overlook these problems. we tell ourselves they are minor blemishes that can be overcome, small fixer-upper projects, you didn’t really need that extra office.

we do this all over the place. we convince ourselves that our candidate is right, our country or our team is better then others, our tribe is the one that should be winning. if not, there is something wrong with the other side. they have cheated, they did not win legitimately, there are cracks in the paint.

is there a right side? can two sides  both be right or wrong? quantum physics proved that a single particle or electron can be in two places at the same time. it was thought impossible, as we think that two sides are impossible. we insist on the right that we know is right…until time comes or our opinion changes and we realise we were wrong.