with tomorrow coming and today here-i find another balancing act. how much of today do i want? more fun, less work, candy, katie it all stresses tomorrow out. exercise, kale, family, savings and self improvement will reward me in the future that is sure to come. but even balance needs to be balanced, a medium is only reached if you keep sliding the weight from one side to the other. too much debate on the matter, too much mindfulness of this effort also will distract one from the here and now.

so many things spinning. games going on all over the place. family and friends awaiting my outreach…or not. then there is work, an endless battle as is the effort needed to reach a certain perfection in health. In it all there is happiness an aloof feeling reached and lost from moment to moment depending on the winds it seems. days of the week keep trying to tell me what to do.

i am not complaining, simply thinking out loud. trying to find the medium in it all. from dusk to dawn, how much time to spend here, with her, with this and then that. where to put my chips and what kind of chips to snack on, these endless questions thrown into the air, juggling a created life in the same way a stream flows but climbing upstream to an unknown destination. i am the spawning salmon and the man standing on the bridge watching him wondering where my own destination will get me. i am the man checking in and out of a clock on a wall watching in vain as life goes on with or without me. lost in vain in a direction i am certain is correct.