a brief of todays thoughts.


if its not a spot on your lung, then its a weakening kidney. in some way there has to be a dent, an annoyance or pain or problem that surfaces no matter what you are doing. it is part of our big trade for feeling as good as we do. a balance for all the parts of our body that are miraculously working, processing thoughts and food with bile and waste to contend with. it is the ying that continually comes up or goes down with every choice we make, our cavities from the cakes, our sunburns from the days at the beach, our hangovers from parties that went on too long.

its hard at times to focus on the bright side of things. we tend to count our losses and remember our falls while forgetting our victories. make a long speech and that one fuck up is all you remember. the perfection we seek in each moment is impossible, look hard enough and there are stains within the finest fabrics. glitches are everywhere, just like our body, there are spots forming in the oceans and on land but otherwise it goes on.

if i had to give my son advice it would be to lower the bar. to let go of any pretense of permanence or perfection. to wake up and do what you can do, follow the laughter and avoid the pain. to take the shortcuts but remember they can also get you lost. that we are all going in circles, like the rings of a tree and there are always going to be rising seawaters and falling markets. that in every inspection the car will need a gasket, the tooth a patch and the dark areas in your body to be probed. best to not take it all to heart or put too much effort into making too much of a difference, but to do what you can to make his life and the ones around him better. less ying although that would be impossible. like trying to shorten the day or lengthen the nights by moving around on a round object spinning in circles followed by a glowing ball of fire.

1 Comment
  1. Uncle Remus

    December 20, 2020 7:35 am

    A wry remark,
    It could have been worse,,
    it could have been liverwurst.

    My Dr says,
    Wait a week and then test agĂ in before any invasive treatment or biopsy, or any despair.

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