a brief of todays thoughts.


it has to be tough. in order for it to be easy it has to be hard in the start. you can only have it one way, easy in the start, or in the later. one of these rules of life that you begin to understand when things slow down a bit. when you have the luxury of looking around of seeing things played out. it will dawn on you slowly or quickly, but at one point you will see this rule played out in life.

without labor nothing prospers.


for the hard things- making a living, keeping fit, learning new things, reading and writing. these are, for some, the objects to overcome and get through. we all have different areas in life that do not come easy, those are the ones to work on. the playing, spending, drifting and lounging are the easier normally. you can have one now and one later. you cannot have them both. for if you lounge too much first, spend too easily now, the later you will pay, in one form or the other. it is a balance that is created not so much from any saint or soul, but by biology. the world will reward those who have prepared, been diligent, been attentive. it will award them with a better body, a fatter bank account and a more meaningful life. for the most part. vacations feel this way, work hard and take one and they are normally great, keep taking them and a yearning to getting back home, to work, to problems, call.

there are exceptions to every rule. but these anomalies are certainly just that. and hard work does not necessarily pay off, it requires you to know where and what to work on. what part of the body and mind you shall work on. to face the weakness and we all have parts. its fun to pretend they are not there, but to fool oneself is quite hard. like trying to not think of a pink elephant, it will keep coming up, physically and mentally until you address it. then its released, learned, rightened. then the bank has some potential, your body some energy, your mind some ideas, your company some traction, your journals filled and your life a bit more robust. till then, or without it, a pain of later awaits, creeping towards the center trying to knock you off the log back to the bottom.

1 Comment
  1. Ken Aaron

    January 2, 2022 10:09 am

    Time and again we try to respond but is it a response
    if little or no attention was paid to concept that entreated the response?



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