a brief of todays thoughts.

touching my toes.

certain things come natural. some can juggle, others tell a joke and make others laugh. i can find my way back to where i started, no matter how many turns or how unrecognizable the terrain is. i can also follow a direction, such as south, and figure a different way each time to get to a local. i can rearrange furniture well and have an uncanny ability to do the bare minimum to pass.

i also have an unusual ability to make a few people angry at me without really doing anything. it has something to do with my demeanor, i act as though everything comes easily. its that minimum expense of energy to get through to the next round that seems to irk certain people. probably the people that feel the most like me. i’m very humble about the little accomplishments i have made, i find people that brag or boast off putting and lacking confidence, but still something comes out from me to others that pisses them off. i have lost many a friend and seem to still upset some at this laissez faire attitude of life.

it is not an act though. being born at the right time, with decent traits, has allowed it to have a relatively easy ride. should i have been born a man of the wrong colour, or into a socio-economic difficult situation the climb would have been much harder. so uneven this game is. as we fight for transgender rights i wonder when we will simply move on to overall human rights. struggles in encampments, fighting over scraps while warlords rape and pillage the countryside. famine, pain, hopelessness. there is real and is where the anger should be directed. unfortunately it is simply easier to hate the silly boy in front of you or rant online then to help change the true injustices happening day in and day out all over the place.

  1. Brent Beisher

    September 15, 2019 1:30 pm

    Mark did it.

  2. Brent Beisher

    September 15, 2019 1:31 pm

    Mark did it he did.

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