Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it.

Dr. Scott Peck

fame is both a gift and a curse. so many people seek it, in particular when you are trying to be a movie star or politician. you need it in order to get the votes, to land the role. yet as soon as you have it the curse of it begins. your privacy, something you mostly took for granted, is gone. you are harassed in public, ridiculed online and in publications, the world feels like it is their right and honor to go through your laundry. so what do you end up doing? hiding. In your house, in disguise when you go out and in dark tinted windows when traveling. the thing you were chasing for all along begins to chase you.

it happens with most dreams. Everest is filled with the frozen cadavers of overly ambitious people chasing their dreams. in our pursuit for wealth we overlook so many other things like time and enjoying the resources we already have in a constant chase of an elusive dream. we peer around the world and imagine ourselves anywhere then where we already are, we want to keep trading this for that to satisfy an itch or ache that never seems to be scratched. one more objective, one more tweak or one more show then we will get to what we were really after.

this is where the rub lies. this idea that if it were all to go away tomorrow, if you knew it was running out, would there be any other alternative to the game your playing now? this game of chase or hide and seek or collection or notice me or whatever it is you are playing. is it impossible to squeeze more out of the day then you already are? its like trying to really grasp at that breath of air or savor that bite of food, deepen your sleep or make it over the finish line. another race immediately commences. another day awakens us to enough time to both build up our dreams in order for them to let us down. a circular pattern or noise and emotions that prove to be quite difficult as time goes on.