all the good will go, but so will the bad. the problems you are facing today will either be solved, or like a leaf that eventually dissolves back into the soil it will go away. think of the wars that were raged between countries and how have collectively moved on from them. think of the things that were important to you a few years back, the people and episodes in life and how they not resonate so little in todays soul and mind. it seems as thought each year brings with it a new set of problems and gifts, with variations on the subject and context but a balance of both good and bad to deal with. they seem so loud at times, consuming our minds and buzzing in the back ground, and like cavity or broken bone they seem so real and permanent. we forget they will heal. that they will go away like all the other things, both good and bad in the world. only to be replaced by something else, perhaps better or worse but with something none the less.

does everyone lie? in a book i’m reading now,  everybodys a liar, the author seems to think so and has the data to back it up. its natural, we do it as children, caught with our hand in the cookie jar or simply fighting with our siblings, we naturally do these things to cover ourselves up and to fit better within society. we even convince ourselves that we lie, so that we believe it better. some lies are good, held back so that you do not come out rude. others hurtful, the back bones of cheating in business or in relationships. it is part of the cognitive things we do as humans. for better or worse it is part of our lives.

finding the way you interact with the world, the way your mind can be at rest or needs to interact with others takes some time to fine tune. we practice as children, in school and at home. when to speak, when to stay quiet and more importantly what to say. IQ versus EQ, both equally important and the later is something hard to teach. it comes naturally or not, whether or not you like people and if they like you. it cannot be made up or faked. just as you cannot fake liking something or having interest in something unless you are a psychopath. feelings are as natural as tears, they come out and we have an affinity to people or places and this cannot be nor should be made up. to understand this allows you to breathe a bit easier and relax knowing that things will happen in a natural order and you will end up being around those of whom you like or like you.