a brief of todays thoughts.


are we all animals or do we have some other gene so as to not succumb to our weakest urges? a god gene of such. something that guides us to the right or wrong way. watching riots around the globe as inequality that has building starts to tip, i wonder if we have in ourselves an ability to control and do the right thing. have we in our hearts, in our conscious the right will to do the amicable, just thing in each instance. or are we animals, where we break or yell or take advantage of another…what is our nature?

we have many times to act in just or unjust ways in life. encounters between each other create scenarios where prey and the preyed upon are always a possible scenario. we try to surround ourselves with people and situations where we do not need to call into question whether or not we will have to judge the situation in terms of our well being, but this sometimes does not work out. you try to find ones to trust, places we feel safe, but these are sometimes false choices. people at times become mean, jealousy and spite come out, the friends become the foes and the safe places become unstable. cracks are always forming.

change roars and the chains break, we revert to the monkeys we once were. we throw things, we scream, we yell, we break the chains that once linked us in such a nice way, in order to get a bit more share of the pie we are fighting over. we are not nice, we are not just, we are simply alone and scared with an insatiable hunger for something that is currently not feeding our souls. we throw fire bombs and insults, we break our own rules in a rush to win a fight in which we dont know what we are even fighting for after a while. at the end, we will slowly come back to the reality that we all are here together. that we must share, that there are rules to this jungle. that consequences await and we learn to play again.

1 Comment
  1. Maomao

    October 23, 2019 4:30 pm

    🎵 in the bar

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